About Jon
Though Jon Bergmann is one of the pioneers of the Flipped Classroom, he has shifted his focus to making mastery learning a reality one day at a time. He sees that AI will accelerate the adoption of Mastery and Competency Based Learning. He recently finished the book, The Mastery Learning Handbook, which is a practical guide to help educators make the shift to mastery learning. The book debuted as an Amazon #1 Best Seller
He has taught at urban, suburban, rural, and private schools. He spent twenty-four years as a classroom teacher in Colorado before becoming a technology facilitator in the Chicago suburbs. When Flip Your Classroom became an international bestseller, he traveled the world for eight years, helping schools and universities move from passive to active learning. In 2019, he returned to the classroom to further develop Flipped and Mastery Learning. This has amplified Jon’s voice with teachers and professors. They now see him as a fellow teacher working through the complexities and challenges of teaching today because his presentations include struggles and successes as he works every day with students.
Jon has written and co-authored twelve books that have been translated into thirteen languages. In 2002, Jon received the Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching; and in 2010, he was a Semi-Finalist for Colorado Teacher of the Year. He serves on the advisory board for TED Education. He teaches full-time science and assists with staff development at Houston Christian High School in Houston, Texas. Find out more about Jon at JonBergmann.com.
Jon and his wife make their home in Houston Texas and have three grown children.
Jon's Books
- Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day
- Flipped Learning: Gateway to Student Engagement
- Flipped Learning for Science Instruction
- Flipped Learning for Math Instruction
- Flipped Learning for English Language Instruction
- Flipped Learning for Social Studies Instruction
- Flipped Learning for Elementary Education
- Solving the Homework Problem by Flipping the Learning
- Flipped Learning 3.0: The Operating System for the Future of Talent Development
- Aprender al revĂ©s: Flipped Learning 3.0 y metodologĂas activas en el aula
- The Mastery Learning Classroom
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