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This week I have been preparing my classes for Mastery Learning (I see students in about a week). Part of that preparation is creating some videos that teach students how to operate in a Mastery Learning setting. Below are four videos I have created ...
Do you struggle with making sure every teacher-student interaction has a purpose? Do you feel like you have enough interactions with your students each day? Do you want more meaningful conversations with your students? Do you want to make your school ...
Are you worried that students will be in vastly different "places" when they return to school this fall? Some students will be on grade level while others will be far behind. How will you teach in light of this new reality? Jon presented at a conferen...
Have you ever sat in a PD session and the presenter talked about how you should differentiate, but you said in your head… No Way! They are crazy! It all sounds well and good, but… I am only one person. I can’t teach two, three, or four different thing...
One of the most important things to do at the begging of the year is to get student buy-in. Regardless of how you teach, students need to hear from other students. Since, I teach using a Flipped-Mastery approach, this is even more crucial. I need to g...
Are some of your students way behind? Do you feel like you are holding back some students in order to accommodate those that struggle? At what point do you simply move on and hope that those students who are behind will catch up? Mix in a little pandem...
For my first 19 years as a teacher I was a committed lecturer and probably spent 60% of my class time doing whole group “teaching.” I honed my craft. I had some standard jokes. I spiced it up with cool demonstrations in my chemistry class. Most of my s...
Jon had a great chance to visit with David Frangiosa on his podcast From Learning to Earning. Listen in as Jon talks about Mastery Learning.
Schools closed. Remote learning. Exhausted teachers. The pandemic has had a huge impact on schools around the world. Perhaps the biggest issue we face now and going forward is the impact of learning loss and learning gaps caused by the pandemic. Accord...
Jon had a chance to sit down and chat with Shyam Mair from Score Campus about the current state of education, and how Mastery Learning can help solve the problems exacerbated by the pandemic.
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