Too often, the first day of school is filled with us teachers sharing about class expectations and syllabi. Imagine being a student who has to sit through seven or eight of these...
I wrote this post for ISTE and you can find it also at THIS LINK
Four years ago, before the concept of flipped learning really took off, I wrote a blog post about flipping the elementary...
Flipped classrooms are often met with some skepticism by parents. It seems like a new way to for students to learn and they have many questions. Jon created a short video for parents explaining...
Jon was invited to share his predictions for THE Journal. His comments are featured last in the article. You can read the full article HERE
Jon's predictions are below
The "How" of Teaching Will...
Jon was invited by Tech & Learning and Intel to contribute to a webinar about how to respond to the pandemic. He was joined on the webiar by Kecia Ray, Hassan Wilson, and Joy McCourt. Listen...
Recently I was contacted by Microsoft's Anthony Salcito about doing a follow up about my work with the flipped classroom. When he contacted me I had just come off of a twitter conversation with...
Teaching is fundamentally about human interactions, and technology can't replace that.
I was once asked by a group of education policy makers if the flipped classroom would allow them to hire fewer...
Students with limited technology is often cited as a reason why a teacher or school should not adopt the flipped classroom approach. Watch this short video which explains how to flip your...
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